Our Story
Over thirty years ago Minnesotans, Dr. Earl and Beverly Thompson, met Omkar and Bijaya Ghimire in the village of Bhandar in the Ramechhap District of Nepal.
From the beginning, it was clear these fast friends from opposite sides of the world shared a common purpose – to uplift the education, health, and economy of communities throughout Nepal.
Together, the Thompsons and the Ghimires traveled to the village of Baitadi located in the most remote corner in the Far-West District of Nepal and worked with the women, men, and children of a local community to provide literacy classes, health care, agricultural training, and promote sustainable economic growth by encouraging and supporting unique income generating opportunities.
Our mission remains strong: To serve the people of Nepal by supporting meaningful and relevant education, quality health care, and practical and profitable ways to make a living. Our vision seeks to empower and inspire the people of Nepal to achieve their full potential and become engaged members of the global community.